Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thyroid Panel Will CBC With Diff Platelets, CMP, Or Thyroid Panel W/ TSH Blood Tests Show Anything Regarding The Heart?

Will CBC with diff platelets, CMP, or Thyroid Panel w/ TSH blood tests show anything regarding the heart? - thyroid panel

The panel shows the problems of the thyroid hormones that affect the heart may

Echocardiography, electrocardiogram and tests of dyes are often used for certain heart problems


artsyfar... said...

Not really. He has an idea of cell types and distribution, etc. .. however, specific cardiac enzymes or heart would be something.

Cyclebum said...

Yes, a high LDH and AST, the components of the CMP, which are enzymes that, through the death of heart tissue, since they would be released a heart attack. However, they are useful for the assessment of liver function.

So, if you had to test whether the person has a heart attack a few hours before the tests, the answer is NO suffered.

Other anomalies, Tho not directly related to heart, could stand on a possible heart problem in context. But unlikely.

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